My Infinity Chiro
Providing high quality care for those seeking to obtain optimal health.

Why choose custom-made orthotics?
Orthotics may be defined as any device used to support and align a part of the body. A foot orthotic is a device that can be discretely inserted into a shoe to support, align, or accommodate foot deformities or poor foot mechanics. Custom-made foot orthotics are precision medical devices that are custom-made with the help of a chiropractor, to correct your specific imbalance and biomechanical misalignment (e.g. high arch or flat feet).
Orthotics can be used for treatment of a variety of lower extremity conditions, such as Plantar Fasciitis. They can relieve pain, improve skeletal alignment or improve the function of your foot and lower limbs.
Orthotics can also improve athletic and occupational performance by realigning poor alignment and reducing excess strain on the feet and lower legs.
Who benefits from orthotics?
We recommend that anyone with foot, knee, hip or low back pain have a biomechanical orthotics examination. Many times, biomechanical abnormalities or adaptations can be a contributing factor to your pain. Many other injuries and conditions can be a reason to have a biomechanical orthotics examination as well.
Your occupation and hobbies can also be a factor in the decision to look into orthotics. If your occupations involves a lot of standing, walking, running or just overall stress on the body, custom made orthotics may help you. If you are an athlete, orthotics may help give your performance a boost.
How are orthotics made?
If the chiropractor decides custom-made orthotics are warranted, they will digitally scan both feet, that is then converted into a plaster cast of which your custom made orthotics are fabricated.
What's the procedure?
First, you can schedule either a complimentary consultation to discuss with the doctor if orthotics are an option for you (online booking available) or you may proceed with your exam and scan (contact us to book).
Once you have scheduled your exam and scan, please have your prescription ready if you wish to have your orthotics covered by insurance. If you have any difficulties in obtaining your prescription, please contact us for a direct referral to a trusted virtual medical clinic.
The doctor will arrive at your location, then ask you about your health history. This will give the chiropractor information they need to perform a biomechanical orthotics examination of your low back, and lower extremity (hips, knees and feet). This involves assessing joint, muscle and ligament function, and recording any dysfunction that can be contributing to your case. They will also analyze and record biomechanical dysfunction associated with your gait (the way you walk).
Next the doctor will scan your feet using advanced Tru Depth 3D scanning technology. Once complete, they will submit your scan directly to the lab for manufacturing. Please note a deposit of $200.00 CDN per order is required at this time (please ensure your credit card is up to date and entered into your Jane account)
When your orthotics arrive (approximately 10 - 14 business days later), the doctor will let you know and deliver them directly to you. This is when you pay the balance of your order(s).
Multiple exams and scans for everyone in your home or a workplace group at the same visit is available.