My Infinity Chiro
Providing high quality care for those seeking to obtain optimal health.
For Reiki Courses click here
What To Expect
Initial Visit
Preparing For Your Session
During Your Session
After Your Session
Fee Schedule

Reiki is a non-invasive gentle energy healing approach using universal life force energy (Rei-Ki) through the laying of the hands on the body and the body's energy centres, also known as chakras. It helps to heal and balance all levels of the body – physical, emotional and spiritual. Reiki is not affiliated with a particular religion, however, has been practiced for thousands of years. The purpose of a Reiki treatment is to help ease tension, stress, anxiety and support the body in facilitating its own healing process.
For your session, you will be fully clothed and your practitioner will apply light touch, as well as hands-off techniques where the hands are hovering close to the body. Your practitioner will move through the standard Reiki hand positions, but may also work on different areas that require some attention as well. As a recipient, you may feel the practitioner's hands are very warm, perhaps notice your body is warmer or may even get colder, experience tingling sensations, or simply find your point of relaxation.
Every practitioner will be different in the techniques they use and the style in which they apply them. You may need several visits to complete your overall treatment. Often people have ongoing visits for more deep rooted conditions and/or because they are using Reiki as a preventative tool.
Note, Reiki practitioners do not diagnose or cure medical conditions. The purpose of this page is to provide some general knowledge about Reiki. Below you will find some benefits of Reiki:
* Reduce stress
* Increase relaxation
* Balance the body’s energy flow
* Reduce pain
* Develop emotional, mental and spiritual balance & well being
* Boost your positive mood and alleviate the effects of depression and/or anxiety
For more information, please consult with our Reiki Master
* All treatments are tailored to the client's needs, where your Practitioner may incorporate a number of techniques and/or styles *
What To Expect
Our Reiki practitioner conducts safe, personalized sessions, focusing on patient’s wholesome recovery, pain relief and/or overall wellbeing.
Initial Intake Of A New Client
* Your Initial Visit is 75 minutes (includes consultation and treatment)
* Receipts are issued at the completion of your visit
* This is your time to relax and escape - please turn off your cell phone to prevent disturbances
* Appointments begin promptly so please arrive on time
* As a courtesy to your practitioner and others wishing to book appointments, we ask 24 hours notice for cancellation of booked appointments
Please complete your intake form prior to arriving for your initial visit. A secure link is sent to your email with your appointment confirmation email. Some questions that will be asked include:
* Personal medical history
* Reason for the visit
* Any illnesses, significant accidents or injuries, previous surgeries
* A list of all medications/supplements
* Diet and exercise levels
* Work and leisure habits/postures
At this time, your practitioner will take you into a treatment room where they will go over your history form and ask any further questions that would be a benefit to facilitating a healing plan for your individual needs. If you have not already, please turn your mobile devices to silent at this time.
Preparing For Your Session
Once a beneficial plan has been established between you and your practitioner, you will lay on the table completely clothed. Your practitioner will make any necessary adjustments to the placement of pillows and/or towels.
Your comfort during the treatment session is important, and for that reason, you may wear what you feel comfortable in. Most people choose to wear loose fitting/non-binding clothing (i.e.jogging pants and a t-shirt) so your body will not be restricted during your treatment, thus getting the most out of your session.
During Your Session
During the session it is best to remain quiet to gain the full effects of the treatment. It is important, however, to let your practitioner know if at any time you are uncomfortable. You should be able to feel the practitioner working with you; there may be times where you do not feel the practitioner’s hands on you and that is perfectly normal. Communication is key to getting the most benefit out of your experience.
Also, please let your practitioner know if you are feeling chilled or if you are too warm. If at any time you are not comfortable with the session, you always reserve the right to suggest that the practitioner make a change for you to be more comfortable, or even end the session early. As an additional note, keeping comfortable and relaxed is an integral part of any therapy.
***Please be cautious when getting off the treatment table***
After Your Session
Self-care recommendations will be provided to you by your practitioner can range from relaxation techniques to lifestyle changes.
** Please keep in mind self-care is very important in facilitating your health goals
Payment, Receipts and Re-booking
Your practitioner will provide you with a receipt for your visit at the end of your appointment. They will also give you suggestions on when to return for more sessions if they are necessary. You may book your follow-up appointments at this time, or call when you have your schedule established.
**It is often recommended that you book your appointments in advance to reserve the time that suits you best, and that you try to book at least one additional appointment within 5-10 days after your first session to actively address your concerns.
Suggestions for Everyone After Every Session
Following your session it is important to keep hydrated; as always, drinking water is essential to overall good health.
**Please remember that everyone is different as is their speed of reaching their health and wellness goals. If you have questions about your care, please speak with your practitioner so they may assist you.
Fee Schedule
Initial Consultation & Treatment (60 minute appointment) $ 120
Follow-up Treatment Fees
45 minute $ 90
60 minute $ 100