Why it’s important, what it looks like and how to maintain good posture
In our previous blog, we provided some great tips to help reduce the effects of poor posture, especially with Kyphosis (the hump that forms at the base of the neck and upper back). Here we dive deeper into this topic.
Why is good posture important?
There are a number of reasons good posture is important to maintain wellness:
Maintains proper breathing: The diaphragm is able to move without restrictions, allowing you to take deeper breaths. A balanced breathing pattern is an effective remedy to combat and transform the effects of stress by supplying the brain with the extra oxygen it requires.
Reduces pain: Correcting and maintaining postural alignment allows the body to stay in a more centered structural position against gravity, which can reduce instances of injury and pain from misalignment. As an example, by maintaining proper posture while lifting heavy items, the body is more supported to work together to help lift, versus putting strain on one area of the body.
Reduces muscle fatigue: The muscles don’t have to work as hard to do their job to maintain proper structural integrity. When your body is in alignment, the muscles only do the work/movements they were designed to do, rather than being strained in positions that cause inflammation, stress and muscle recruitment (the concept of bringing in muscles to do jobs they were not designed to do).
Confidence: Many studies have shown that maintaining postural alignment increases concentration and mental performance, which can improve the ability to relax and focus.
What does good posture look like?
Our practitioners typically assess postures through visual assessments first before touch. Thomas Myers has put together some fantastic tools, including his book: Body Reading: Visual Assessment and the Anatomy Trains. It’s best to have a professional provide a thorough assessment, but if you’re curious, you could look in a mirror and see for yourself. Note that everyone is different and postural cues for one person may not be the same for someone else.
There’s no tilts on various zones of the body
Shoulders are even - the left isn’t higher than the right
Hips are even - again, in terms of left and right
Pelvis is centered - it is not tilted too forward or tucked in too much from the side view
The entire body is lined up from the top of the head, to the hips, to the knees and to the feet - looking at the body from the side view, the ears are aligned with the acromion process (that boney point at the tip of your shoulder)
There’s no twists on various zones of the body - when looking straight at your mirror, the body should look centered and even.
Does your rib cage look twisted to the left or right?
Do your hips look twisted?
Are your knees pointing straight or are either twisted inwards or extend outwards?
Good posture while standing could look like:
Chin is parallel to the floor
Weight is distributed evenly on both feet, and evenly on the feet themselves
From the side, ears line up to the centre of the shoulders, shoulders align with hips, hips align with ankles
From the front, ears, shoulders and hips are even
Good posture while sitting could look like:
Chin is parallel to the floor
Weight is distributed evenly on both sit bones, and evenly on the feet as well
From the side, ears line up to the centre of the shoulders, shoulders align with hips, and the ankles sit directly under the knees, feet flat on the floor (hips and knees are bent at 90 degrees)
The chest is not "sinking", but rather lifted
From the front, ears, shoulders and hips are even
These are just a few visual cues from the perspective of standing you can do in the comfort of your own home. There’s also visual cues to assess while sitting and lying down. We recommend seeking a professional to get a thorough and comprehensive assessment before seeking the aid of Dr. Google. Chiropractic Doctors, Registered Massage Therapists, Physiotherapists, Movement Therapy Practitioners, and Pilates Practitioners are well versed in the structure of the body and can help you with any concerns.
How to maintain good posture?
It helps to be present in your body as much as you possibly can. By staying in the present moment, you are more aware of your body and can adjust any structural patterns as they are noticed. Understandably, there are times when we are immersed in a task or are concentrating the mind on other things, but do the best you can when you notice misalignment. Be gentle with yourself, and adjust your posture as needed.
Book a free consultation to learn more: https://www.myinfinitychiro.com/bookings
Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to be used as a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. The content provided is for informational purposes only. Use of the content provided on this blog post is at your sole discretion.