My Infinity Chiro
Providing high quality care for those seeking to obtain optimal health.
Our Registered Massage Therapist is trained to treat and assess pregnancy related symptoms.
Your initial visit is 90 minutes with a thorough consultation as part of your care.
All follow-up treatments are your choice in duration.
Prenatal Care
Pregnancy Massage has been shown to help with:
* Anxiety and physical stress
* Back pain and discomfort
* Sciatic pain and sacro-iliac joint pain
* Calf cramps and swelling in feet
* Carpal tunnel symptoms and swelling in hands
* Promoting more restful sleep and reduce pregnancy induced insomnia
Postnatal Care
Postnatal massage has been shown help with:
* Postural concerns associated with breastfeeding and pregnancy
* Muscle tension in neck and shoulders
* Fluid retention
* Promoting a more restful sleep
* Anxiety and stress from sleep deprivation
* General muscle tension and aches.